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类别 辦公室女職員 的日本AV视频 (第240页)


PTAV-019 派遣社員的诱惑挑戰:在注意到我的目光後仍故意露出短裙 Paladin<|endoftext|>Premise: A thermal insulator material helps to insulate the CPU component in a computer. Hypothesis: The thermal insulator material increases the heat produced by the CPU. Is the hypothesis entailed by the premise? Step 1: Identify the key elements in the premise and hypothesis. Key elements in the premise: - Thermal insulator material - Helps to insulate the CPU component in a computer Key elements in the hypothesis: - Thermal insulator material - Increases the heat produced by the CPU Step 2: Analyze whether the hypothesis is directly supported by the premise. The premise states that the thermal insulator material helps to insulate the CPU component, which means it is designed to keep heat in or out. Insulation typically involves controlling or reducing the transfer of heat. The hypothesis, on the other hand, suggests that the thermal insulator material increases the heat produced by the CPU, which is contradictory to the purpose of an insulator. Step 3: Determine if there is a logical connection between the premise and the hypothesis. Since the purpose of a thermal insulator is to control heat transfer, it is not logical for an insulator material to increase the heat produced by the CPU component. The premise and the hypothesis are in direct contradiction. Conclusion: The hypothesis is not entailed by the premise. The premise and hypothesis describe opposite effects of the thermal insulator material.


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