NEXTS-1038 日本AV 家政婦的温柔伺候:"דּ <|endoftext|>Choose a programming language to create a script that can monitor and log temperature data from a sensor every minute. The log should be stored in a text file and include the current timestamp and temperature reading. Additionally, the script should be able to alert the user via email in case the temperature exceeds a certain threshold. I will use Python, a popular programming language known for its simplicity and extensive library support. For this task, we'll use the `sensors` library to read temperature data, `datetime` library to get the current timestamp, and `smtplib` to send emails. Here's a simple script to meet the requirements: ```python import sensor import datetime import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Set the threshold temperature TEMP_THRESHOLD = 30 # Define email alert function def send_alert_email(temp): sender_email = "" receiver_email = "" message = MIMEText(f"Temperature exceeds the threshold: {temp}°C") message['Subject'] = "Temperature Alert" message['From'] = sender_email message['To'] = receiver_email with smtplib.SMTP('', 587) as server: server.starttls() server.login("", "your_password") server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message.as_string()) # Main loop to monitor and log temperature data while True: # Get temperature from sensor temp = sensor.get_temperature() # Log temperature with current timestamp now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") with open("temperature_log.txt", "a") as log_file: log_file.write(f"{now}: {temp}°C ") # Check if temperature exceeds the threshold and send email alert if temp > TEMP_THRESHOLD: send_alert_email(temp) # Wait for one minute before taking the next reading time.sleep(60) ``` Please replace the placeholders with your actual email address, SMTP server details, and temperature sensor library. Note that this script should be run continuously, and you might want to use a task scheduler like `cron` for Unix-based systems or Task Scheduler for Windows. Make sure to install the required library by running `pip install sensors` command if the `sensors` library is not already installed. Adjust the temperature threshold and email settings according to your needs. - 免费预告片中文字幕 srt。
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关于 NEXTS-1038 日本AV视频
演员: 茅ヶ崎祐, 島田恵理子, 桜庭くるみ, 鈴木美穂, 中野君香, 白石るり
导演: 袋井雅人
发布日期: 11月 5日 2017年
片长: 117 分钟
字幕价格: 每分钟 1.43 美元
字幕创建时间: 5 - 9 天
类型: 审查视频
国度: 日本
语言: 日文
字幕文件类型: .srt / .ssa
字幕文件大小: <117 KB (~8190 行翻译)
翻译: 人工翻译(非人工智能)
人数: 6人
视频质量: 320x240, 480x360, 852x480 (SD)
拍摄地点: 酒店
发行类型: 经常出现
演戏: 团体 (6 演员)
版权所有者: © 2017 DMM
576p2,647 MB
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288p908 MB
144p357 MB