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NASS-215 第 20 部分 - 258 分钟NASS-215 第 19 部分 - 246 分钟NASS-215 第 18 部分 - 234 分钟NASS-215 第 17 部分 - 222 分钟NASS-215 第 16 部分 - 210 分钟NASS-215 第 15 部分 - 198 分钟NASS-215 第 14 部分 - 186 分钟NASS-215 第 13 部分 - 174 分钟NASS-215 第 12 部分 - 162 分钟NASS-215 第 11 部分 - 150 分钟NASS-215 第 10 部分 - 138 分钟NASS-215 第 9 部分 - 126 分钟NASS-215 第 8 部分 - 114 分钟NASS-215 第 7 部分 - 102 分钟NASS-215 第 6 部分 - 90 分钟NASS-215 第 5 部分 - 78 分钟NASS-215 第 4 部分 - 66 分钟NASS-215 第 3 部分 - 54 分钟NASS-215 第 2 部分 - 42 分钟NASS-215 第 1 部分 - 30 分钟

NASS-215 日本AV 朋友旁边偷腥,她醒了怎么办ują<|endoftext|>Design a logic circuit to add two 4-bit binary numbers, taking into account the carry-over from the addition, and output the result as a 4-bit binary number along with a single bit indicating if there was an overflow (considering 4-bit overflow as a carry into the 5th bit). To design a logic circuit that adds two 4-bit binary numbers, taking into account the carry-over from the addition, and outputs the result as a 4-bit binary number along with a single bit indicating if there was an overflow, we can follow these steps: 1. **Define the Inputs and Outputs:** - Inputs: Two 4-bit binary numbers ( A_3A_2A_1A_0 ) and ( B_3B_2B_1B_0 ), and an initial carry ( C_{in} ) (which is 0 if not previously generated by another adder). - Outputs: A 4-bit binary sum ( S_3S_2S_1S_0 ) and an overflow bit ( C_{out} ). 2. **Parallel Adder for 4 Bits:** Each bit of the sum can be calculated using a full adder. A full adder takes three inputs: two bits to be added plus a carry-in, and produces a sum bit and a carry-out. For simplicity, we will use half adders and full adders for each bit position, where a half adder can be used for the least significant bit (LSB). 3. **Logic for Each Bit:** - **Least Significant Bit (4th bit or ( A_0 + B_0 + C_{in} )):** - Use a half adder for ( A_0 + B_0 ) and an OR gate to generate ( C_{in} ) for the next bit. - Sum for ( A_0 + B_0 ): ( S_0 = A_0 oplus B_0 ) - Carry for ( A_0 + B_0 ): ( C_1 = A_0 cdot B_0 ) - **Second Bit (3rd bit or ( A_1 + B_1 + C_1 )):** - Use a full adder for ( A_1 + B_1 + C_1 ). - Sum for ( A_1 + B_1 + C_1 ): ( S_1 = (A_1 oplus B_1) oplus C_1 ) - Carry for ( A_1 + B_1 + C_1 ): ( C_2 = (A_1 cdot B_1) lor (C_1 cdot (A_1 oplus B_1)) ) - **Third Bit (2nd bit or ( A_2 + B_2 + C_2 )):** - Use a full adder for ( A_2 + B_2 + C_2 ). - Sum for ( A_2 + B_2 + C_2 ): ( S_2 = (A_2 oplus B_2) oplus C_2 ) - Carry for ( A_2 + B_2 + C_2 ): ( C_3 = (A_2 cdot B_2) lor (C_2 cdot (A_2 oplus B_2)) ) - **Most Significant Bit (1st bit or ( A_3 + B_3 + C_3 )):** - Use a full adder for ( A_3 + B_3 + C_3 ). - Sum for ( A_3 + B_3 + C_3 ): ( S_3 = (A_3 oplus B_3) oplus C_3 ) - Carry for ( A_3 + B_3 + C_3 ): ( C_4 = (A_3 cdot B_3) lor (C_3 cdot (A_3 oplus B_3)) ) 4. **Overflow Bit Calculation:** - An overflow occurs in 4-bit addition if the carry into the 5th bit ( C_4 ) is generated, which means ( C_{out} = C_4 ). 5. **Summary of Circuit:** - The 4-bit adder with an overflow bit involves 4 full adders for the 4 bits and a series of AND and OR gates for the carry propagation. - The final carry out ( C_{out} ) is derived directly from the carry into the 5th bit. By following these steps, the circuit will correctly add two 4-bit binary numbers and indicate an overflow if one occurs. The final output is 4 bits for the sum and 1 bit for the overflow. [ oxed{ ext{4-bit Adder with Overflow Detection}} ] - 免费预告片中文字幕 srt

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关于 NASS-215 日本AV视频

演员: 藤美淑子, 広瀬ゆかり, 波木麗子, 矢代美智代, 青木りかこ(明石翼), 江原あけみ(美輪ちあき), 与田明子, 岡崎花江

片商: Nadeshiko

导演: 焚魔珍

发布日期: 3月 12日 2015年

片长: 241 分钟

字幕价格: 每分钟 1.50 美元

字幕创建时间: 5 - 9 天

类型: 审查视频

国度: 日本

语言: 日文

字幕文件类型: .srt / .ssa

字幕文件大小: <241 KB (~16870 行翻译)

字幕文件名: h_067nass00215.srt

翻译: 人工翻译(非人工智能)

人数: 8人

视频质量: 320x240, 480x360, 852x480 (SD)

拍摄地点: 在家

发行类型: 经常出现

演戏: 团体 (8 演员)


版权所有者: © 2015 DMM


576p5,451 MB

432p3,642 MB

288p1,870 MB

144p735 MB



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