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Free Trailer
DSD-716 Part 20 - 258 minutesDSD-716 Part 19 - 246 minutesDSD-716 Part 18 - 234 minutesDSD-716 Part 17 - 222 minutesDSD-716 Part 16 - 210 minutesDSD-716 Part 15 - 198 minutesDSD-716 Part 14 - 186 minutesDSD-716 Part 13 - 174 minutesDSD-716 Part 12 - 162 minutesDSD-716 Part 11 - 150 minutesDSD-716 Part 10 - 138 minutesDSD-716 Part 9 - 126 minutesDSD-716 Part 8 - 114 minutesDSD-716 Part 7 - 102 minutesDSD-716 Part 6 - 90 minutesDSD-716 Part 5 - 78 minutesDSD-716 Part 4 - 66 minutesDSD-716 Part 3 - 54 minutesDSD-716 Part 2 - 42 minutesDSD-716 Part 1 - 30 minutes

DSD-716 JAV 50 bouncy breasts from around the world! - Free Trailer and English Subtitles srt.

241 mins94 views

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DSD-716 Movie Information

Actresses: Gianna Michaels ジアナ・マイケルズ, Flower Tucci フラワー・トゥッチ, Jaden James ジェイデン ジェイムス, Heather Summers ヘザー・サマーズ, Rachel Starr レイチェル・スター, Adrianna Nicole アドリアナ・ニコール, Whitney Stevens ウィットニー・スティーヴンス ウィットニー・スティーヴンス, Britney Amber ブリトニー・アンバー, Kagney Linn Karter キャグニー リン カーター, Noelle Easton ノエル・イーストン, Diamond Foxxx ダイアモンド・フォックス, Lylith Lavey リリス・ラヴェイ, Alexis Ford アレクシス・フォード, Sara Sloane サラ・スローン, Kyra Hot カイラ・ホット, Hailey James ヘイリー・ジェイムス, Lisa Ann リサ・アン, Julia Ann ジュリア・アン, Samantha Saint サマンサ・セイント, Hana Hilton ハンナ ヒルトン, Jayden Star ジェイデン スター, August Ames オーガスト・エイムス, Angel Dark エンジェル・ダーク, Keirya Lina ケイリャ リナ, Ashton Pierce アシュトン ピアース, Shayla Styles シャイラ・スタイルズ, Brittany O'Connell ブリタニー・オコーネル, Abbey Brook s アビー ブルックス, Donna Bell ドナ・ベル, Bree Olson ブリー・オルソン(ブリー・オルセン), Harmony Rose ハーモニー・ローズ, Nikki Benatsu Arena Kuroft ニッキー・ベンツアリーナ・クロフト, Veraside ヴェリシティ, Tasha Reign ターシャ レイン, Jenna Ivory ジェナ・アイヴォリー, Phoenix Marie フェニックス・マリー, Crystal Swift クリスタル・スウィフト クリスタル・スウィフト, Riley Evans ライリー・エヴァンス, Faye Reagan フェイ・リーガン, Bibi Noel ビビ・ノエル, Camera カーメラ, Pandora パンドラ, Rucca Page ルッカ・ペイジ, Madison Ivy マディソン・アイヴィー, Harmony Rose フェニックス・マリー

Producer: Momotaro Eizo

Director: Marchine

Release Date: 3 Dec, 2017

Movie Length: 241 minutes

Custom Order Pricing: $1.50 per minute

Subtitles Creation Time: 5 - 9 days

Type: Censored

Movie Country: Japan

Language: Japanese

Subtitle Format: Downloadable .srt / .ssa file

Subtitles File Size: <241 KB (~16870 translated lines)

Subtitle Filename: dsd00716.srt

Translation: Human Translated (Non A.I.)

Total Casts: 45 actresses

Video Quality & File Size: 320x240, 480x360, 852x480 (SD)

Filming Location: At Home / In Room

Release Type: Regular Appearance

Casting: Group (45 Actresses)


Copyright Owner: © 2017 DMM

Video Quality & File Size

576p5,451 MB

432p3,642 MB

288p1,870 MB

144p735 MB

More Information

How do I download the full video?

To download the full video for DSD-716, scroll up to the top of this page and click on the 'Download' button.

You will then be brought to a checkout page where you can place your order for the video (multiple resolutions are available at different pricings).

There are no subtitles for this movie. Can you create them for me?

Yes we can.

All you'll need to do is place a "Custom Subtitles Order" for subtitles and we will have them created and delivered within 5 - 9 days.

To place an order for DSD-716's subtitles, click on the 'Order' button at the top of this page.

How do you charge for custom subtitle orders?

If subtitles have not been created for a video, you can request for them to be created by placing a "Custom Subtitles Order".

By default, we charge a flat rate of USD$1.50 per minute for subtitling each JAV title.

However, we do offer discounts for movies that are longer than 90 minutes and/or include more than 1 actress. At the same time, we charge 10% higher for shorter movies (less than 60 minutes) due to the effort it takes to create the subtitles.

The custom order pricing for DSD-716 is $361.50 at $1.50 per minute (241 minutes long video).

What format are subtitles in?

Subtitles are in SubRip file format, one of the most widely supported subtitle formats.

The subtitle file upon delivery will be named dsd00716.srt

How do I play this movie with subtitles?

You will need a compatible movie player to play this movie along with subtitles.

For this, we recommend using the VLC movie player as it allows you to play a very large range of video formats and supports subtitles in .srt and .ass file formats.

JAV Subtitled

JAV Subtitled brings you the best SRT English subtitles and free trailers for your favorite Japanese adult movies. Browse through a collection of over 400,000 titles, and instantly download new subtitles released everyday in .srt file formats.

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